Sabtu, 06 Maret 2021

Android Support Library 23.2

Posted by Ian Lake , Developer Advocate Android Support Library 23.2 When talking about the Android Support Library, it is important to realize this isn’t one monolithic library, but a whole collection of libraries that seek to provide backward-compatible versions of APIs, as well as offer unique features without requiring the latest platform version. Version 23.2 adds a few new support libraries as well as new features to many of the existing libraries. , android.os.Bundle)"> onCreateButtonActions() or calling setButtonActions() ). This makes it much easier to reach completion actions without having to scroll through the list of available GuidedActions . Speaking of GuidedActions , there’s a number of new features to allow richer input including editable descriptions (via descriptionEditable() ), sub actions in the form of a dropdown (with subActions() ), and a GuidedDatePickerAction. These components should make it much easier for you to get information from the user when absolutely required. Available Now Version 23.2 of the Android Support Library is available via your SDK Manager and Android Studio. Take advantage of all of the new features as well as additional bug fixes starting now! As always, file bug reports at and connect with other developers on the Android Development Google+ community .

