Selasa, 09 Februari 2021

How To Install Android Sdk Offline?

How to Install Android SDK Offline? Android SDK has it owns SDK tool called Android SDK Tools. This is the tool that responsible for installing, downloading , updating and managing all the entire SDK packages. What you need to now is , the SDK Tool itself has updates on its own. So before we begin to download everything , first off all Android SDK Tools is all what you need: (Please download the latest version available) Installing Android SDK for the first timer Download the latest SDK Tools that match your OS. It is things like Create a new folder dedicated for Android SDK. For instance "AndroidSDK" in E:\ Drive This folder will store all SDK installation packages. You can use whatever folder you want .. Just make sure it is accessible for you. Extract the inside the AndroidSDK folder This could take seconds or a minute . You can use apps like 7-zip, wiinrar , etc. Now you have "tools" folder inside your AndroidSDK directory. When the extraction done , you can safely delete the or you can move to somewhere else Back to AndroidSDK root directory and manually create folder called "temp" . This folder used to store all offline installation packages later. For now make let it empty. Now, the basic setup for SDK Manager has been done. Congrats! How to Setup Android SDK Tools Manager Test Android SDK Installaion To test SDK manager open android.bat (windows) , wait for a while to load. If this is the first time you use it, SDK manager will load lists packages available. This might needs internet connection Live Video Demo For Complete Demonstration on how to install Android SDK , including packages , check out this video below. This is a common guideline video for installing Android SDK  Offline. It uses Android 5 as the SDK example that being installed, However these process is common and can be applied to install other SDK Versions from 4,5,6,7 and also the SDK tools. Follow the video for detailed instruction. Android SDK Packages Here are the SDK packages you can download and install offline later: SDK Tools and Extras Android SDK Tools (Manager) Download Link: Android SDK Build Tools Download Link: Android SDK Platform Tools Download Link: Android SDK Extras Download Link: Compilers and Platforms Android 7 SDK Nougat API 24 Download Link: Android 6 SDK Marshmallow API 23 Download Link: Android 5.1 SDK Lollipop API 22 Download Link: Android 5.0.1 SDK Lollipop API 21 Download Link: Android 4.4  SDK Wear API 20 Download Link: Android 4.4.2  SDK Kitkat API 19 Download Link: Android 4.3.1 SDK Jelly Bean API 18 Download Link: Android 4.2.2 SDK Jelly Bean API 17 Download Link: Android 4.1 SDK Jelly Bean API 16 Download Link: Android 4.0.3 SDK Jelly Bean API 15 Download Link: Android 4.0 SDK Jelly Bean API 14 Download Link: Register Android SDK to system Environment (OPTIONAL STEP but RECOMMENDED) Register Android SDK to system Environment, so you can use them from CMD/CLI to create project , update SDK , create AVD and everything Android SDK capable of , directly from CMD. More: Set and Register Android SDK into System Environment /System Path

