Kamis, 28 Januari 2021

Introducing New App Categories -- From Art To Autos To Dating -- To Help Users Better Find Your Apps

Posted by By Sarah Karam, Google Play Apps Business Development With more than 1 billion active users in 190 countries around the world, Google Play continues to be an important distribution platform for you to build a global audience. To help you get your apps in front of more users, it’s important to make them more quickly and easily discoverable in Google Play. That’s why we rolled out major features, such as href="https://adwords.googleblog.com/2015/07/launching-search-ads-on-play.html">Search Ads , href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/collection/promotion_3001ed4_indie_corner?hl=en&e=-EnableAppDetailsPageRedesign">Indie Corner , href="https://developer.android.com/distribute/users/experiments.html">store listing experiments , and more, over the past year. To improve the overall search experience, we’re introducing new app categories and renaming a few existing ones, making them more comprehensive and relevant to what users are looking for today. The new categories include: Art & Design Auto & Vehicles Beauty Dating Events Food & Drink House & Home Parenting In addition, the “Transportation” category will be renamed “Maps & Navigation,” and the “Media & Video” category will be renamed “Video Players & Editors.” To select a new category for your app or game Sign in to your Google Play Developer Console . Select an app. On the left menu, click Store Listing . Under "Categorization," select an application type and category. Near the top of the page, click Save draft (new apps) or Submit update (existing apps). Newly added categories will be available on Google Play within 60 days. If you choose a newly added category for an app before the category is available for users, your current app category may change. See additional details and view our full list of categories in the href="https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/113475">Help Center .
Sumber http://mobile-app-apk.blogspot.com

