Kamis, 13 Agustus 2020

Working With Printdocument Control Panduan

Hi Coders, Almost all database application needs report and printing features. What do you use for creating this? I usually use Crystal Report, Active Report, dan SQL Server Reporting Service. One time after I downloaded the Visual Studio Community 2015. I cannot found .rdlc and .rpt files type to be added into my project. It makes me curious about whether I can make a report without additional applications. And yes, we can make it with PrintDocument control. Introducing PrintDocument Control Setting Font for Printing Setting Vertical (Y) Position Automatically Setting Alignment Printing in Tabular Format - Simple Table Printing in Tabular Format - Multiline Cell Setting Default Printer by Application Send Direct Printing to Printer Printing Image Any idea of printing articles/samples, please comment below. Happy Coding!!! ^_^
Sumber http://rani-irsan.blogspot.com

